I was looking at the different part time opportunities available for my friend who is located in a remote sea side town and has very good knowledge about business accounting and taxation procedures. His recent domestic commitments towards his aging parents have created high demands on his time and working modes.
There are many qualified professionals like Andrew Morrison, who do not want to tie themselves down with full time jobs due to diverse reasons. The part time jobs for the post of temporary accountants offered by firms' expert in handling tax and accounting services and agents offering temporary employment for various accounting positions are usually advertised on the internet and the classified columns of the newspapers.
The positions offered by companies looking towards hiring tax and accounting services or a temporary accountant prove to lucrative job opportunities as they are money spinning vehicles being utilized increasingly as a cost cutting process by businesses in contemporary times. The positions of temporary accountants are usually filled up during the seasons when the tax and accounting services are required for filing of returns, preparation of final accounts, handling large accounting transactions and increased workload. Some of the temporary posts are upgraded to a full time basis if the quality of the job provided is up to the expectations of the recruiters.
Many companies are looking towards outsourcing their key tax and accounting functions to professional third parties who have the requisite infrastructure and experience to handle multiple client jobs as per the requirement. These external agencies are on the lookout for temporary accountants willing to work for them on a part time basis by providing their expertise in tax and accounting services. It is a good idea to leave your resume with these firms along with employment agencies to avail job opportunities for a temporary accountant's post as and when the need arises.
The pros and cons of the job of a temporary accountant or joining the teams in firms providing tax and accounting services can be discussed as below:
1. The job of a temporary accountant is usually for a short duration of two months to six months on a contractual basis. The reason for the opening could be in relation to a project or for filling up the gap of the full time accountant who max be on leave. The short term association allows both parties to check out the comfort levels before upgrading to a full time post in the same department or Company.
2. It acts as a good source of income for the qualified but currently unemployed, who are looking for good job profiles.
3. The association with a reputed firm offering tax and accounting services or the job of a temporary accountant adds to the resume and helps in building professional contacts, network and references for the future.
4. It definitely provides flexibility in juggling the work-home responsibilities.
However, there are certain disadvantages for committing yourself to a part time job such as temporary accounting.
1. It may not complement the qualifications possessed by the individual and may not match with his exact requirements for a job.
2. The lack of job security and benefits that exist in the part time job.
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